Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 1: The Idea

After watching the Oprah Show episode about John of God and the miracles that can occur, I started thinking. What are we doing on this planet? And why are we always so in our own heads? And if we are always in our own heads, why don't we use the mind in a more powerful way.

 The show was about a man in Brazil who the people have named "John of God." With no medical experience, he performs surgeries, with or without physically touching the individual. I am sure most people will think I am crazy, but you have to watch the episode or read up on John of God to understand. People have come away being cured or changed in some way. The theory is that love can conquer all and that these thousands of people that visit him daily bring a sense of hopefulness that is contagious. The energy that a person emits is more powerful than we give it credit.

Instead of assuming that this is possible, I had the idea to experiment with this idea that our energy and thoughts can change our path, even if we are critically ill. My challenge to myself is to try and replace negative thoughts with positive and to be conscious of my judgments to others and to myself. Ideally, I will stop worrying about everything, because I am a major worrier. My mom even gave me a "worry wart" stone when I was young, because I would wake up in the middle of the night worrying. I still to this day worry about everything - money, relationships, what my life's purpose is, age, success, what others think of me - and the list goes on and on.

I told my husband about this experiment, and he has decided to try it out too. He also happens to be a worrier. And I forced him to watch the Oprah episode against his will, which he later thanked me for, and we have had many interesting conversations since then. I will let him tell his story.

So here is the idea - every day I will journal about what happened that day and if I caught myself in judgment or negativity. I will attempt to connect with others energetically and see what happens in my life. It is simply an experiment and I am trying not to pass judgment already on what I think the outcome will be. I am going to enjoy the journey instead of aiming for a certain destination.

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